Ultraviolet b uvb radiation from sunlight is known to be a risk factor for human corneal damage. Isolation, molecular identification and the carotenogenesis process. Abscisic acid metabolism in dunaliella salina application of radiochemicalsandincubation procedures cells ofd. The purpose of this study was to investigate the protective effects of dunaliella salina d.
This culture requires a high light level of 200 to 400 footcandles of fluorescent light 18 to 24 from the culture. High irradiance appears to stimulate specifically alltrans. Teodoresco were studied during pilot cultivation at the. Dunaliella salina and haloferax volcanii synergistically attenuate skin cancer in vitro article pdf available in journal of cancer therapy 1009. Dalam media ekstrak daun lamtoro leucaena leucocephala oleh ira septiana mikroalga dunaliella sp. Menurut yudha 2008, secara morfologi, dunaliella sp. Process of the microalgae dunaliella salina strain dunadz1.
After discovery dunaliella has become a convenient model organism for the study of salt adaptation. Kering terhadap pertumbuhan populasi dunaliella salina effect of adding vitamin b 12 on blotong dry media againts population growth dunaliella salina rahayu kusdarwati, mustofin akhyar dan boedi s. Research shows that natural dietary betacarotene is a powerful antioxidant that effectively reduces the risk of many chronic diseases. Dunaliella salina benefits further in that contains proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates and fats which are easily absorbed by the body. Characterization of dunaliella salina strains by flow. Kaswadji2 1aquaculture department, university of lampung, lampung, indonesia 2bogor agriculture institute, bogor, indonesia abstract. Jan 22, 2016 the salttolerant green microalga dunaliella salina can survive both hyper and hypoosmotic shock. The first pilot plant for mass culture of dunaliella culture was established in the urss in 1996 oren, 2005. Thus, dunaliella salina is a hyperhalotolerant organism found in high densities in saline lakes. The unconventional micro algal sources for the production of feed, food, food additive, pharmaceutical. Modified medium for enhanced growth of dunaliella strains ramaraj sathasivam a,band niran juntawong c abioscience program, faculty of science, kasetsart university, bangkok 10900, thailand bdepartment of botany, faculty of science, kasetsart university, bangkok 10900, thailand. Before the implementation of each technique, 5 ml of each sample of water collected were taken, then they were added to erlenmeyer flasks with 40 ml of. Download 1mb repository unair universitas airlangga. Protective effects of dunaliella salina a carotenoidsrich.
Australian marine phytoplankton whole dried dunaliella. Dunaliella salina has a high antioxidant content which nullifies the effect of these free radicals. Mat fahrur dinamika kualitas air dan hubungan kelimpahan plankton dengan kualitas air di tambak kecamatan bontoa, kabupaten maros. Today, the algae is being studied for various health benefits. Currently, no dunaliella cells can be found in the waters of the dead sea. Upon osmotic shock, the cells transiently and rapidly decreased or increased in size within minutes and slowly over hours acquired their original cell size and volume. Biodiesel production using marine microalgae dunalialla salina. Process of the microalgae dunaliella salina strain. Known for its antioxidant activity because of its ability to create large amount of carotenoids, it is used in cosmetics and dietary supplements. Cell size distribution differs significantly in the cultures grown in the salinity range from 1. Material and methods samples of dunaliella salina were collected from the growth ponds ofwesfarmers algal biotechnology pty ltd at hutt lagoon, western australia, and were established and maintained at the collection salinity 25 to 30% nacl in 15 em deep, 15 l miniponds in a glasshouse.
Each unialgal culture contains enough material for a class of 30 students. Pengaruh salinitas berbeda terhadap pertumbuhan dan kandungan. The antioxidants can also repair the damaged cells to make them healthy again. Pdf some microalgae are recognized for producing pigments and other. Hosted by the usgs core science analytics and synthesis. Biodiesel production using marine microalgae dunalialla salina sayed mehdi hashemi sohi 1, anoosh eghdami 2 1young researchers and elite club, saveh branch, islamic azad university, saveh, iran 2department of biochemistry, saveh branch, islamic azad university, saveh, iran article published on february o8, 2014. Sep 09, 2015 dunaliella species are able to tolerate varying nacl concentrations, ranging from 0. In the pilot plant of salt lake hut lagoon, a cell density of 1 x 10 4 d. Dunaliella is a singlecelled, photosynthetic green alga, that is characteristic for its ability to outcompete other organisms and thrive in hypersaline environments. Kering terhadap pertumbuhan populasi dunaliella salina. Apr 27, 2007 the taxonomy of the green algal genus dunaliella is often seen as confusing and the names associated with species in culture collections are sometimes suspect. Bioenergy application of dunaliella salina sa 4 grown at. Dunaliella salina is a genus of the algae family dunaliellaceae. Carotenoid production by dunaliella salina under red light mdpi.
Dunaliella sering juga disebut sebagai flagellata uniseluler hijau green unicellulair flagellata. Abscisic acid metabolism saltstressed cells dunaliella. Potensi mikroalga sebagai sumber pangan fungsional di. Production characteristics of dunaliella salina at twophase pilot. Abstrak pertumbuhan dan kandungan karotenoid mikroalga dunaliella sp. Intestinal injury can be effectively prevented by dunaliella salina in. Pertumbuhan dan kandungan karotenoid mikroalgadunaliella sp. Dunaliella salina secara morfologi, dunaliella merupakan mikroalga yang bersifat uniseluler, mempunyai sepasang flagella yang sama panjangnya, sebuah kloroplast berbentuk cangkir, dan tidak memiliki dinding sel. Australian marine phytoplankton is an edible soft wall nutrientdense marine microalgae made from 100% pure whole dried dunaliella salina biomass. The microalga dunaliella salina is the best commercial source of natural betacarotene. Fitoplankton dunaliella salina dengan media salinitas yang berbeda. Astaxanthin and dunaliella salina, two powerful antioxidants you simply must know about, potent antiinflammatory, powerful antioxidant, skin and sun protection, healthy vision and eyes, beautiful skin, healthy immune system, natural detoxification. Dunaliella salina is a type of halophile green microalgae especially found in sea salt fields. Penentuan laju pertumbuhan sel fitoplankton chaetoceros.
The present paper provides an historical survey of research on dunaliella, from the early work in the 19th century to the thorough taxonomic studies by teodoresco, hamburger, lerche and others from. Process of the microalgae dunaliella salina strain isolated. Carotenoids from dunaliella salina are produced on a commercial scale in open ponds in e. Dunaliella salina is renowned as being one of natures richest sources of dietary mixed carotenoids and contains a large array of important daily nutrients known to support good health and vitality. Betacarotenerich extract from dunaliella salina food and. At the 41st meeting, the committee adopted specifications for carotenes algae which are obtained by solvent extraction of the dried dunaliella salina syn. Rahardja fakultas perikanan dan kelautan universitas airlangga kampus c mulyorejo surabaya, 60115 telp. Organic dunaliella salina powder red marine phytoplankton. A hundred years have passed since the description of the genus dunaliella, the unicellular green alga which is responsible for most of the primary production in hypersaline environments worldwide. Astaxanthin and dunaliella salina two products you simply. Effect of stressful conditions on the carotenogenic activity. Dunaliella salina is a green microalgae typically found in sea salt fields around the world.
Dunaliella salina is a green algae best known for turning lakes red around the world. Antioksidan merupakan senyawa yang dapat menghambat reaksi oksidasi dengan mengikat radikal bebas dan molekul yang sangat reaktif, sehingga dapat merusak sel1. Page designed through the cooperative efforts of interagency itis teams. Bentuk selnya juga tidak stabil dan beragam, dapat berbentuk lonjong, bulat. Media in category dunaliella salina the following 18 files are in this category, out of 18 total. Neutral lipid production in dunaliella salina during osmotic. There has been a considerable amount of interest in the potential for commercial production of. Penelitian tentang penentuan laju pertumbuhan sel fitoplankton chaetoceros calcitrans. Daun lamtoro leucaena leucocephala salah satu bahan alami yang mengandung 3,84% n, 0,20% p, 0,206% k, 1,31% ca, 0,33% mg palimbungan et al. Pdf characterization of a new dunalliela salina strain isolated. Modified medium for enhanced growth of dunaliella strains. Productional and biochemical characteristics of green alga dunaliella salina dunal. The taxonomy of the whole genus dunaliella should be reexamined assuncao et al.
The most commonly used medium for culture of dunaliella is modified johnsons medium. Effect of stressful conditions on the carotenogenic. The halotolerant photoautotrophic marine microalga dunaliella salina is one of the richest sources of natural carotenoids. Continuous production of carotenoids from dunaliella salina. Chaetoceros calcitrans, chlorella vulgaris, dunaliella salina, dan porphyridium cruentum yusi anda rizky, indah raya, seniwati dali1 1jurusan kimia, fmipa, universitas hasanuddin makassar, sulawesi selatan 90245 abstrak. Betacarotenerich extract from dunaliella salina is intended for use in a variety of food categories and beverages as a colour. Dunaliella salina is natures richest source of natural betacarotene, each gram contains around1020mg of betacarotene, plus other carotenoids and nutrients. Dunaliella salina adalah mikroalga merah yang memiliki kandungan beta karotin yang tinggi.
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